Breakthrough in Bangui
/January 2015; Bangui, Central African Republic
Our first meeting with the anti-Balaka leaders [the predominantly Christian rebel faction] took place at the exceedingly formal audience hall at the National Assembly compound. We moved the follow-up meeting on Saturday to a private lobby area of our hotel, hoping to cultivate a more informal relational tone.
The threesome arrived full of excitement, eager to share some late-breaking news with us. “Did you hear?”, they asked? (No, we hadn’t.) “The French woman and the priest were released this morning!” We joined with them in celebrating the news, still unaware of the full import of their message.
“When we left our meeting with you, we shared with our brothers about the message God had put in your hearts. We decided to pressure the men who had taken the hostage. So we pressured them, and they released her!”
They told us the whole story, circling around repeatedly to underscore that our initial meeting on Thursday had turned the tide. Official negotiations had of course been underway, but had not achieved the desired breakthrough. “The message of God through Bridges to Common Ground” provided the tipping point.
Whatever official story would emerge in the press, they wanted us to know: “This woman is free because of the message of Bridges to Common Ground!” Furthermore, after reporting to the rest of their leaders about our meeting, they reached consensus that the anti-Balaka should rejoin the peace process, which they had withdrawn from just a few days prior. They expressed renewed hope that real peace could come to their country.
We were stunned.
Unfolding before our eyes was a pristine example of the “fifth track” engagement philosophy. We came in the name and Spirit of Jesus, intent only on coming alongside, building friendship, and praying together - with no agenda.
As simplistic as it may sound - in the face of truly complex realities and fierce conflict rooted in the tangled layers of history, culture, and human intrigue - the plan is just that. Build bridges of friendship and trust, and let the Spirit of God do the work that only He can do. Let YHWH orchestrate, and bring about whatever outcomes He chooses.
Truth be told, during our initial meeting the hostage situation never even crossed our mind as an agenda item. Unbeknownst to us, by the time we did send out our probe, the breakthrough was already in motion. And we weren’t even aware they had decided to withdraw from the peace process.
By the time we caught up to what was happening, they had already decided to return. Amazing.
Eager to share their story with the world and thank the friends back in America praying for our trip, the anti-Balaka leaders happily filmed a series of video clips to mark the occasion, enthusiastically expounding on the developments of the last few days and celebrating a turn of events they themselves clearly attributed to the hand of God. Here’s one.
We made a quick trip across town to share these developments with the acting US Ambassador back at the embassy. He interrupted his dinner to hear the strange news. After listening intently and watching a couple of video clips, he saw no reason to question their account, and joined in the celebration.
But the day was far from over. We returned from the embassy to meet for a second time with the other faction, the [predominantly Muslim] Seleka. This time they brought their Imam (along with several additional faction leaders) to hear and interact with this strange but hopeful message of peace in the name and Spirit of Isa.
The Seleka delegation listened intently as Mark shared more about the Deadly Misunderstandings, and shared stories of peacemaking in the Sudan (their neighbor and, according to some, a Seleka sponsor). Eventually, the Imam responded with fervent affirmation of the message, confirming to his colleagues the accuracy and authenticity of Mark’s bridging message centered on Isa al Massi.
From the outset the atmosphere was even warmer than our first encounter. We embraced with genuine warmth upon seeing each other, and this only deepened by the end of the session. A growing friendship which could only come from the Spirit of YHWH permeated the gathering and the lingering conversations and picture-taking that followed.
The Seleka delegation was as emphatic as the anti-Balaka leaders had been a scant few hours before. In essence: “We trust you, and affirm that we want to work together to bring peace and wellbeing to our country!”