Let's get on with it!
/God's people can and must cultivate cultures of convergence — contexts in which we intentionally stimulate one another to love and good works not just generically and metaphorically, but practically, tangibly, powerfully, consistently. Not just at conferences or gatherings when the unction is flowing, but in the trenches when Real Life is Happening.
Relating meaningfully within the integrating framework of God's sovereign goodness, we can indeed learn to pay more careful attention to God's activity within, through, and around us, truly working all things together for good as He conforms each of us, uniquely, into the image of His son.
It is both possible and essential that we learn to genuinely speak the truth in love, and practice doing so routinely ... then rejoice together as we actually, measurably, multi-dimensionally grow up "in all things" into Him! We can in actual reality sharpen one another's iron effectively, and competently counsel one another as we each have need — which indeed we all will. We can in fact choose to more authentically bear one another's burdens while responsibly shouldering our own, diligently stewarding that which has been entrusted to us while profoundly sharing the journey with others.
Walking with others similarly committed, we can in actual fact cultivate rhythms of experience, reflection, and interaction where scattered insights begin to come together in a pattern of meaning and purpose. We are fully able to live intentionally and purposefully toward a future of God's design, allowing Him to sovereignly weave the naturally disparate threads of our lives into a creative, ever-more-coherent tapestry.
We are the people of God, for heaven's sake, with all the resources of the Kingdom at our disposal!
The King Himself has committed His fathomless loving-kindness to our transformation, our edification, and our successful participation in the unfolding drama of His-story. His invitation stands, patiently but persistently calling us onward.
Let's get on with it, shall we?